Guest Speaker Gareth Lewis

On Tuesday the club was pleased to invite Gareth Lewis to give a fly tying demonstration to club members. Gareth was a new speaker to the club so his presentation was eagerly anticipated.

As Gareth hails from South Wales he mainly fishes rivers such as the Usk and the Monnow along with the many smaller rivers throughout that region. His style of tying is very much based on natural patterns in small sizes going down to as little as size 32. On the evening he tied a number of flies in sizes 20 and 24 which covered different stages in their life cycle. After he had tied these patterns some members felt a trip to Specsavers was in order!!!!

The evening was very enjoyable and gave many members an insight into a style of fishing that they would not normally do. As well as the tying Gareth explained some of the tackle he uses and the techniques involved in this style of fishing.

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